Camping And Health

Camping And Health

BWCA Trip & Weight Loss

It has been a very busy summer and I have not been posting as much as I would like and should.  I spent this past weekend pulling out all my camping gear and going through it as I prepared for my upcoming BWCA trip.  Things went well and I always seem to enjoy going through […]

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Camping And Health Overweight Outdoorsman

Overweight Outdoorsman – Goals!

I’ve been laying a little low the past couple weeks.  While I have managed to get out in a the woods a little, I have not been out hiking or even hunting.  This time last year I had harvested a nice healthy deer and was spending time at my cabin. Sadly I suffer from a […]

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Camping And Health

Tick That Causes Meat Eating Allergy – It’s Real!

A few years ago I saw a post on social media somewhere about a type of tick that causes people to develop an allergy to eating meat.  I recall the post was by some anti-meat eating website and I ignored it as hype and scare tactics. Well, it turns out that there really is a […]

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Camping And Health

Overweight Outdoorsman – About To Go Canoe Tripping

When I first stated this series of posts I was weighing myself every week and reporting the results here.  I did weigh in this past Friday on May 11th and an happy to report I got down to 280lbs. So far I have lost 45 pounds over the past four to five months.  When I […]

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Camping And Health Overweight Outdoorsman

The Overweight Outdoorsman – Part 7, The First Plateau

Just a quick update this week for my Overweight Outdoorsman report.  While the week went well and I stayed on my diet like a boss, I didn’t lose any weight.  None.  Nothing. All I can think of is that I plateaued. Full details below:

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Camping And Health

Healthy Enough For A Boundary Waters Canoe Trip?

Wondering if you are healthy enough for a Boundary Waters Canoe trip?  It’s been on my mind recently.  I figured it might make for a good post. First and foremost, consult with your personal physician if you have any concerns regarding your ability to do any physical activities. This post is focused in particular about […]

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